Gometra Gallery & Shop
The Gometra Gallery & Shop sells art, cards, stamps, books and fuel. Basic food supplies kept in stock in summer months are a small selection tinned fruit, vegetables & fish; dried staples like pasta, couscous, rice & confectionery; and a few items of fresh fruit and vegetables. For information please contact Rhoda Munro on spicypa73@yahoo.co.uk.
The Art Bothy
The Art Bothy opened today,
A little hut we built ourselves.
We went down in a procession.
We brandished flags.
Brooms and mops and sticks,
With brightly coloured skirts and patterned sarongs.
We knocked in the last few nails
For the last few pictures.
We baked ginger cookies,
Raspberry lemonade from fruits we grew and picked and squashed.
We ate and drank and laughed.
On the grass by the sea.
Then we walked back up.
There were so many of us
We spilled onto the grass,
Sitting on duvets
By the friendly light of the nearby cottages.
The sun set, the night came.
If you broach the bubble of noise encircling us
Everything is still and silent.
I'm so hungry and so cold
But it doesn't matter
Because, for just a moment, everything is perfect.
I feel infinite.
And then we eat.
Plentiful, spreading warmth
Through aching bones.
The moon comes up,
Overshadowing us
With its bulbous red form.
I don't talk, I listen
To the different threads
Of the conversations enveloping me.
And to the comforting burbling of raucous voices
I fall asleep,
Looking at the stars.
Savannah Sandford

All text and Images © Roc Sandford, Gometra, 2015 unless otherwise stated. Please let us know of any corrections or suggestions. To contact us click here.